[Kfood] LA Galbi / Korean Short Ribs | Easy Korean Recipes

Unit 5. LA galbi

LA galbi is a type of gui (grilled dish) in Korean cuisine. “Galbi” is the Korean word for “rib”, and the dish is usually made with beef short ribs. When pork spareribs or another meat is used instead, the dish is named accordingly. Galbi is served raw, then cooked on tabletop grills usually by the diners themselves. The dish may be marinated in a sweet and savory sauce usually containing soy sauce, garlic, and sugar.

1 cup soy sauce
2 Tbsp. vegetable umami
190g brown sugar
¼ cup soju or cooking wine
3 ½ cups water
2 Asian pears
1 onion
8 cloves garlic
½ tsp. black pepper
1 Tbsp. sesame seed oil

1. Remove excess fat and silver skin off meat and bones.
2. In a blender, blend pear, onion, and soju.
3. Add soy sauce, vegetable umami, brown sugar, black pepper, and sesame seed oil to
create marinade.
4. Pour marinade all over ribs and let it sit for at least one hour.

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